Multidisciplinary Approach to AE Management With Lorlatinib


Medical experts discuss approaches to dose modifications and treatment interruptions for adverse events with ALK inhibitors, highlighting multidisciplinary management strategies and integrating best practices into electronic medical records.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • How do you handle dose modifications or treatment interruptions due to adverse events?
  • Can you share any experiences where such modifications significantly impacted patient outcomes?
  • What multidisciplinary approaches have you found most effective in managing the diverse range of adverse events associated with ALK inhibitors?
  • Do you have any tips for how to include AE management strategies in EMR or another central system so everyone has access to best practices for handling?
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Image of Jessie Desir, PhD, RN, AMB-BC, OCN, in a video call with a blue and gold Oncology Nursing News border surrounding the frame.
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