Get to the Root of Cancer Disparities
August 3rd 2020In order to achieve health equity for patients with cancer, physicians must first understand the root cause of heath disparities, many of which may be invisible. Broadening conversations about health and equity, drawing attention to gaps in care, and prompting urgency on the issues that influence health care are crucial first steps to turn conversation into action.
Cancer and Genetic Testing: Expert Answers Common Questions
August 2nd 2020Genetic testing is more important now than ever before, as biomarker-driven cancer treatments continue to receive approval across many tumor types. While these personalized treatments are improving outcomes, navigating the landscape of genetic testing can leave patients with questions for their providers.
AE Management and Adherence Is Key in Breast Cancer Treatment
August 1st 2020One of the most important tasks that oncology nurses face is ensuring that patients are taking their medications consistently and correctly, and that adverse events (AEs) are properly managed—specifically in those patients with breast cancer, according to Patricia Jakel, RN, MN, AOCN.
Where New Updates in Genitourinary Cancer Continue to Come From
September 6th 2019The genitourinary cancer space has seen a lot of updates in the past 5-10 years, but where are they all coming from so suddenly? Oncology Nursing News spoke with Michael Lai, ARNP, a nurse practitioner at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, about how the genitourinary cancer space has been able to have so many updates recently.
Why Attending Conferences is Worthwhile for Oncology Nurses
August 29th 2019Conferences are where oncology nurses can network, discuss key topics in their field, and hear new updates that will eventually affect their patients. At the 3rd Annual School of Oncology Nursing, we had the chance to talk about what nurses can gain from these conferences with Patricia Jakel, MN, RN, AOCN.
Endocrine Toxicities May Be a Unique AE Associated with Immunotherapy
August 23rd 2019Like most other adverse events (AEs), nurses play a vital role in monitoring for and managing endocrine toxicities associated with immunotherapy treatment; however, these may be more unique than others, according to Marianne Davies, DNP, RN, CNS, ACNP-BC, AOCNP.
What Nurses Need to Know About GU Malignancies
August 23rd 2019At the 3rd annual School of Oncology Nursing Laura S. Wood, RN, MSN, OCN, renal cancer research coordinator at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center and one of the co-chairs of the School of Oncology Nursing, presented on supportive care for GU malignancies and we had the chance to discuss the highlights with her.
Treating Malignancies with More Than Just Chemotherapy
August 16th 2019Treating patients with hematological malignancies has moved beyond just using chemotherapy. And to discuss this change we sat down with Laura J. Zitella, MS, RN, ACNP-BC, AOCN, associate clinical professor at the University of California San Francisco, at the 3rd annual School of Nursing Oncology.