Tell Us: How Do you Advocate for Nurses, Patients?


Take our survey and tell us how your voice is heard, and where nurses need to be a bigger part of the conversation.

When it comes to health care policy, oncology nurses not only have a major stake, but they also have important expertise that should be considered. From town hall meetings and local institutions to speaking out at Capitol Hill, it is vital that nurses have their voices heard.

The year 2020 has brought major challenges to the health care field, from the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages, and changes in Medicare/Medicaid policy. As the United States prepares for both local and national elections, nurses will continue to advocate for what is best for patients and fellow nurses.

We want to hear from you.

  • Are nurses active members when it comes to local and national health care policymaking?
  • How do you advocate?
  • On what topics is it most important for nurses to have their voices heard?

Take our survey and tell us what you think. Or, email your thoughts to

Read more: When Health Gets Political, Nurses Speak Out

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