Sharon Lee Parker Discusses Her Job as the Director of Patient Advocacy at JTCC


Sharon Lee Parker, director of patient advocacy, John Theurer Cancer Center (JTCC), discusses her job duties and her philosophy on patient hospitality.

Sharon Lee Parker, director of patient advocacy, John Theurer Cancer Center (JTCC), discusses her job duties and her philosophy on patient hospitality.

Parker says she is constantly multitasking in her position. She believes that every patient that enters a cancer center needs to be treated as a VIP. In order to ensure that patients are treated well, Parker gives five one-hour presentations to every staff member at JTCC.

Parker says it is important for the staff to also feel important. Doctors cannot do everything by themselves, Parker says, treatment of a patient is up to the whole team. Parker makes sure every staff member at JTCC is aware that any action or event could make or break a patient’s day.

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