ONN's Top 5 Stories: September 2018


Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for September 2018.

Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for September 2018.

5. iKnife May Revolutionize Cancer Surgery

Learn all about a new tool that can distinguish between healthy and cancerous tissue—in real time–in this story.

4. Virtual Reality as a Distraction Tool

This story recaps a clinical study where virtual reality was used as a non-invasive intervention to keep patients’ minds off unpleasant procedures.

3. Scanxiety Tips from an Expert

How can you, as an oncology nurse, help your patients through the anxiety that comes with waiting for scan results? We share some tips in this article.

2. The New MM: Medical Marijuana

Cancer-related cannabis use is on the rise as patients use it to treat adverse events. Be prepared to respond to patients’ questions about medical marijuana with this in-depth piece.

1. Celebrating Nurses All Year Long

National Nurses Week is not enough. In this story, one contributor shares some ideas on how we can encourage nursing students to explore oncology and nurture seasoned oncology nurses the other 51 weeks of the year.

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