ONN's Top 5 Stories: May 2019


Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for May 2019.

Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for May 2019.

5. Low-Fat Diet Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer Death

According to research being presented at ASCO’s Annual Meeting, a diet that is low in fat and includes daily portions of vegetables, fruit and grains leads to a 21% lower risk of dying from breast cancer. Learn more in this story.

4. Read Any Good Books Lately?

It’s hard to keep up with the fast-paced healthcare environment, but here, one oncology nurse shares a reading recommendation that will help you learn how oncology care has evolved and get a clearer picture of what cancer really is.

3. Going the Extra Mile — or Hundred

Listen to one of our latest CURE Talks Cancer: Nursing Edition podcasts, where we chat with Angela Hammack, an oncology nurse, who ran a 100-mile race - and raised more than $100,000! - for cancer research and patient care.

2. Just a Phone Call Away?

The ability to connect requires skills built upon experience and deeply rooted personal values. But maintaining professional and emotional boundaries as a nurse is not always easy. Learn more in this story.

1. Nurse Appreciation from Survivors and Caregivers

In conjunction with National Nurses Week, we joined forces with our sister publication, CURE magazine, and asked individuals to highlight some of the amazing oncology nurses who helped them through their cancer journey. We’ve collected some of the most heartwarming stories in this piece.

And as always, for links to all of our top stories and more, visit OncNursingNews.com.

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