Oncology Nurses Share Stories of Gratitude and Life Lessons


Each Friday, Oncology Nursing News poses a question on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and invites readers to share their thoughts and experiences with each other. Here’s what readers had to say about the thoughtful comments of their patients, and how their job has changed their outlook on life.

Each Friday, Oncology Nursing News poses a question on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and invites readers to share their thoughts and experiences with each other.

In recent weeks, when asked about the nicest thing a patient has ever said or done for them, along with how their work has changed their lives, oncology nurses took to the comments section to share their insights. Here’s what some of them had to say:

“What’s the nicest thing a patient has said or done for you?”

  • “As an oncology nurse for the last 20 years, I have received so many kind words and gifts from my patients but this one stood out. This patient wrote a personal card to each of the nurses who took care of her and gave them specific gifts. She wrote down the dates we spoke and thanked me for the little things I did that day and she remembered our conversation about a book I wanted to read about having joy in our lives and she got the book and gave it to me as my gift. I thought that was the sweetest and most special thing I have received and will always remember her when I read this book about joy.” — C.R.
  • “A patient once said ‘Your work is so amazing, so you are absolutely amazing’. They also said we are angels. I say to them ‘you are the angels’. I learn so much from them. My passion is my patients.” — T.D.
  • “’If heaven is real, you will be the first to know.’” — K.L.
  • “Thanked me for working during the pandemic.” — A.M.

“How has being an oncology nurse changed the way you live your life outside of work?”

  • “I don't let the small stuff bother me and don't take any blessing for granted regardless of how big or small it may be.” — C.S.
  • “The small things don’t matter. Relationships and peace and love are the important things. Everything else can be worked out.” — C.T.
  • “I’ve learned to value my time and how to be present in my interactions. It has brought me closer to God and realize how precious life can be.” — C.R.

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