Nina Grenon on Early Palliative Care in Pancreatic Cancer


Nina Grenon, RN, APRN, BC, nurse practitioner, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses the integration of palliative care in pancreatic cancer.

Nina Grenon, RN, APRN, BC, nurse practitioner, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses the integration of palliative care in pancreatic cancer.

Patients with pancreatic cancer have many physical and psychological symptoms and often do not have long to live. Due to this, Grenon says, it is important to integrate palliative care early in the course of the disease so that patients can think about end of life, their living will, DNR, DNI, and advanced directives.

Symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer affect a patient’s quality of life greatly, so it is important to ensure that he or she is comfortable. Additionally, many treatments that are available for pancreatic cancer are very toxic.

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