Christopher Friese on the Importance of Using a Systematic Approach to Assess Toxicity


Christopher R. Friese, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, assistant professor, Division of System Leadership and Effectiveness Science, University of Michigan School of Nursing, discusses the benefits of using a systematic approach to assess toxicities of patients treated with chemotherapy.

Christopher R. Friese, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN, assistant professor, Division of System Leadership and Effectiveness Science, University of Michigan School of Nursing, discusses the benefits of using a systematic approach to assess toxicities of patients treated with chemotherapy.

Friese says there are a variety of approaches that clinicians currently use to assess symptoms, toxicities, and burdens on patients. Although many clinicians simply ask the patient how they are doing, Friese says he believes that clinicians should move towards a systematic approach where clinicians ask about specific events that are likely to occur during chemotherapy.

There is great value to providing patients with a tool, whether it’s a piece of paper, a recorded telephone call, or an electronic device, to systematically assess their toxicity, Friese says. By implementing a tool, clinicians can learn more about the side effects of novel drugs. Friese says asking patients to grade their toxicity also helps clinicians better adjust the care for the patient. With this being said, Friese says it is still unknown which approach is best. ​


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