Carolyn Lefkowits on Non-Physician Providers in Gynecologic Oncology


Carolyn Lefkowits, MD, MPH, MS, assistant professor, University of Colorado Denver, discusses the role of non-physician providers in gynecologic oncology. 

Carolyn Lefkowits, MD, MPH, MS, assistant professor, University of Colorado Denver, discusses the role of non-physician providers in gynecologic oncology.

In a qualitative study where she interviewed patients and providers about supportive and palliative care, Lefkowits found that women want honest communication about what the future might hold.

The study also found that patients often direct their questions to the non-physician providers nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians assistants which Lefkowits thinks is because patients spend more time with those providers than the physician.

Lefkowits says that there is an educational opportunity to teach all provider groups the skills sets necessary to have these conversations with patients.

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