Alice Kerber on the Oncology Nurse's Role in Cancer Genetics


Alice S. Kerber, MN, APRN, ACNS-BC, AOCN, APNG, Oncology Nurse Specialist, Georgia Center for Oncology Research and Education, explains how oncology nurses and genetic counselors will work together as the field of cancer genetics continues to grow.

Alice S. Kerber, MN, APRN, ACNS-BC, AOCN, APNG, Oncology Nurse Specialist, Georgia Center for Oncology Research and Education, explains how oncology nurses and genetic counselors will work together as the field of cancer genetics continues to grow.

Kerber says oncology nurses and genetic counselors will have to work together. In oncology nursing practices, nurses are already taking the first steps by collecting family medical history and accessing risk. Oncology nurses are going to be on the front lines of identifying when people need genetic counseling early, Keber says.

When it comes to the next steps, oncology nurses will refer their patients to a genetic counselor, who can go over risk assessment.


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