Patients Offer Nurses Words of Thanks

Oncology Nursing NewsDecember 2020
Volume 14
Issue 6

Oncology nurses do not realize how appreciated they truly are. See the heartfelt thanks that patients shared.

The World Health Organization declared 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Oncology nurses and health care providers everywhere have stepped up and showed their heroism and compassion amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Oncology Nursing News®’s sister publication, CURE®, recently asked their readers—cancer survivors and patients—about how oncology nurses have helped them through their cancer journey. Responses were overwhelmingly positive. Here is what some of them had to say:

"[My nurse] knew something wasn’t right with me, even though my cardiology test [was] normal. She convinced the oncologist to send me to a cardiologist and we found that my heart function was extremely low. We stopped chemo and the cardiologist nursed me back to normal. That was 14 years ago.”

- Gayle A.

"All [nurses] at my center were wonderful. But one in particular was my ‘regular.’ She knew and understood my style/personality, and we had a blast! Yes, a blast! I actually looked forward to chemo day! They are a special breed. I will forever be grateful!”

- Theresa A.

"I’m just so happy with everyone I have had. They are great listeners; some have a wonderful sense of humor. If they don’t know the answer to your question, they will get it. They make every trip to the oncologist a lot easier for sure. They are very special people, indeed.”

- Rocky S.

"Oncology nurses are one of the most important parts of your team when you have cancer. The nurses I have had are immeasurable in their care, compassion, and focus to getting you feeling comfortable in a time when things are so not right.”

- Virginia M.

"The oncology nurses are what holds everything together. They are the ones who answer your phone call, clear the way to get in for fluids, and give the best hugs—back when hugs were allowed.”

- Marcia M.

"They are rock stars. When I had my last chemo treatment, they all gathered outside my treatment room to celebrate with me. It is a very special memory.”

- Toni S.

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