The video series, Optimizing Treatment Strategies for Metastatic NSCLC: Achieving the Best Patient Outcomes, provides expert insights on patient selection, treatment sequencing, and managing adverse events to improve care for EGFR+ and ALK+ metastatic NSCLC patients.
EP. 1: Robert’s Journey With EGFR+ Metastatic NSCLC
December 23rd 2024Profiling a 58-year-old retired construction manager with Stage IV EGFR+ NSCLC, discussing his transition from osimertinib to amivantamab plus chemotherapy, managing side effects, and maintaining hope throughout his treatment journey.
EP. 4: Balancing Treatment Benefits and Toxicity: Managing Quality of Life in EGFR+ NSCLC Patients
January 29th 2025Key opinion leaders examine approaches to managing skin-related side effects, such as rash, in patients on EGFR inhibitors, highlighting strategies to address quality-of-life impacts while maintaining the benefits of treatment.
EP. 5: Strategies of Dose Modifications of Osimertinib and Other EGFR Inhibitors
February 5th 2025Key opinion leaders discusses strategies for handling gastrointestinal side effects in patients taking osimertinib, including preventive measures and comparisons to managing GI issues from other EGFR inhibitors.
EP. 6: Management of GI Toxicities in Osimertinib and other EGFR Inhibitors
February 5th 2025Key opinion leaders explores the management of gastrointestinal side effects in patients on osimertinib, focusing on preventive measures and comparisons with GI management strategies for other EGFR inhibitors.
EP. 9: Jason’s Journey with ALK+ Metatstatic NSCLC
February 19th 2025This is an actor portrayal of a hypothetical patient profile developed for educational purposes based on characteristics of patients with ALK+ non-small cell lung cancer as seen in clinical practice. The hypothetical case was co-developed by staff Medical Writers with Cancer Network/ONN